Hidden gems #5

1. 3. 2021

V. Sandstones around Hradčany

The fifth of Hidden gems will be surrounded by sandstones, smells like forests and all of the natural beauty is waiting there around. Our trip today starts about 10 km far from Doksy (event centre) in Hradčany, by the pond. In case you are going to follow the road called Naučná stezka Jeřáb, soon you get on a top of Hradčanská vyhlídka. Hradčanská vyhlídka, the viewpoint is commonplace for watching the sunset. Furthermore, along with the sandstones, there is Kraví rokle which in Czech means cow’s ravine. Another term connected to the animal kingdom is situated further, the vast sandstone cave called Psí kostel (Dog’s church). Make sure you have a headlamp with you to discover hidden corridors lost in darkness. Close to the cave, there is another picturesque point called Skalní brána, ideal for a picnic.


Map with the route is here



Skalní brána