
Competition Classes

 Class  Course difficulty Estimated winning time – in minutes
 Sprint  Middle distance  Long distance
D10L strings 15 20 20
H10L strings 15 20 20
D10 very easy 15 20 20
H10 very easy 15 20 20
D12 easy 15 25 30
H12 easy 15 25 30
D14A medium 15 25 30
H14A medium 15 25 40
D14B easy 13 20 25
H14B easy 13 20 25
D16A difficult 15 25 40
H16A difficult 15 25 50
D16B medium 13 20 35
H16B medium 13 20 35
D18A difficult 15 25 50
H18A difficult 15 25 60
D18B medium 13 20 45
H18B medium 13 20 55
D21E difficult – very long 15 35 60
H21E difficult – very long 15 35 75
D21A difficult – long 15 30 55
H21A difficult – long 15 30 70
D21B medium – short 13 30 45
H21B medium – short 13 30 60
D35A difficult – long 15 30 50
H35A difficult – long 15 30 65
D35B medium – short 13 25 45
H35B medium – short 13 25 60
D45A difficult – long 15 30 45
H45A difficult – long 15 30 55
D45B medium – short 13 25 40
H45B medium – short 13 25 50
D55A difficult – long 15 30 45
H55A difficult – long 15 30 50
D55B medium – short 13 25 40
H55B medium – short 13 25 45
D65A difficult – short 15 30 45
H65A difficult – short 15 30 45
D65B medium – short 13 25 40
H65B medium – short 13 25 40
D70 difficult – short 15 30 45
H70 difficult – short 15 30 45
D75 difficult – short 15 30 45
H75 difficult – short 15 30 45
D80 difficult – short 15 30 45
H80 difficult – short 15 30 45


Public Courses

Colour difficulty similar to European ski slope difficulty levels in alpine skiing.

The race can be completed as an individual, a pair (1 SI card, 2 maps) or a family (1 SI cards, 3-5 maps).

 Navigation difficulty   Course lenght (straight lines between the controls)
 Physical difficulty  Sprint  Middle distance  Long distance
HDR (children + parents)*
very easy, following the strings
1 – 2 km
2 – 3 km
2 – 3 km
1 – 2 km
2 – 3 km
2 – 3 km
1 – 2 km
2,5 – 3,5 km
3 – 5 km
undemanding longer
1,5 – 2,5 km
3 – 4 km
5 – 8 km
demanding longer
2 – 3 km
4,5 – 5,5 km
8 – 10 km
very demanding longer

* The HDR class is intended for children usually up to 10 years of age who are accompanied (shadowed) by their parents. The course is marked in the terrain with strings (red-white ribbons).