Club competition
As part of the Czech O-Tour 2024, we are again announcing a year-round club competition. The best 12 results achieved by members of one club across the classes from 8 races are counted. The points earned by children, youth, seniors, younger and older masters are important for the overall placement.
A maximum of 12 club members can score points, the below specified number of best results in the given classes is calculated for each race (the winner of the class gets 100 points, the other percentage less points according to the time loss up to twice the winner’s time):
- 5 competitors in classes DH10-18
- 3 competitors in classes DH21
- 2 competitors in classes DH35-50
- 2 competitors in classes DH55+
Current results after 6 stages – Club competition
At the end of the series, the top 8 clubs in the overall rating of the club competition will be awarded great prizes.