What to expect about the WOC Tour?
What to expect about the WOC Tour?
Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still our reality and next to all the other problems, it complicates also the WOC and WOC Tour organization. The WOC themselves should happen as planned, the organizers have an official guarantee from the National Sport Agency. In case of WOC Tour, the hygienic authorities of Liberec region recommend to wait for the situation development during the spring months to decide whether there would be any restrictions or changes in the race design (such as separating the competitors in several waves).
After an agreement with IOF the organizers commit to make an announcement before May 22nd, 2021 (6 weeks before the WOC) about the design of WOC including the hygienic needs and restrictions. This date is binding also for the WOC Tour. Thus, until May 22nd, 2021, the organizers publish the conditions in which the WOC Tour will be organized or, eventually, that for 2021 it would have to be cancelled. Below, you can find the FAQ:
Will the WOC Tour capacity be changed (i.e. reduced to just a half)?
No. Or not significantly. WOC Tour will either be organized for the vast majority of registered competitors which was set to 2 500 (even if they had to start in separated waves or under strict hygienic restrictions) or it will be cancelled.
How to cancel my registration or change it?
Until the announcement is issued, registrations (up until the limit of 2500 entries) or cancellations are possible. In case of major changes of the race organization, the participants will have time until May 31st to decide whether they cancel their registrations or make any changes in it, free of charge. The same is valid about the accommodation offered by the organizers.
What happens if the WOC Tour has to be cancelled?
The decision will be made until May 22nd, 2021. In case of cancellation, we will try to find an adequate compensation that would be eventually presented together with the cancellation decision.
When do I get my money back after the cancellation of my registration or if the WOC Tour is cancelled?
The financial deal will be made after the decision date, June 1st 2021. The compensation will be 100% (reduced by potential bank charges).