Series Bulletin 2025

Invitation to race series

Gapp Czech O-Tour 2025

About the Event

A series of races for all generations and levels. From children to masters, from beginners to experienced competitors.

Dates and locations

1st race Czech O-Tour 2025 E1 ZOO Praha
2nd race Czech O-Tour 2025 E1 Žacléř
3rd race Czech O-Tour 2025 E2 Žacléř
4th race Czech O-Tour 2025 E1 Moravský kras
5th race Czech O-Tour 2025 E2 Moravský kras
6th race Czech O-Tour 2025 E3 Moravský kras
7th race Czech O-Tour 2025 E1 Krušné hory
8th race Czech O-Tour 2025 E2 Krušné hory

Entries and payments

The limit of starters is only for ZOO Praha (currently 1900 competitors + series entries) and Moravský kras (currently 500 competitors + series entries). In case the limit is reached, the organiser may increase the number of participants if the organiser has a higher number of participants approved for the race by the nature conservation body or the owner of the race area. Registrations for the entire series will be given priority.

Payments must be sent within the entry deadline to the account of the Czech Orienteering Federation:

IBAN: CZ35 2010 0000 0029 0129 6231


Bank: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1

Unpaid entries may be cancelled due to the limit of participants.


Competition classes: DH10F, DH10, DH12, DH14AB, DH16AB, DH18AB, DH21EAB, DH35AB, DH40, DH45AB, DH50, DH55, DH60, DH65, DH70, DH75, DH80 (D = women, H = men)

In the case of a smaller number of entries, the organizer reserves the right to merge some subclasses and vice versa, in the case of a large number of entrants to one subclass, divide it.

Public classes: OPEN-S, OPEN-M, OPEN-L, HDR (child on string course shadowed by adult)

Public classes have a free start time within the range specified by the organizer in the Bulletin 2

Entry fee


Entry dedaline until January 12, 2025

Entire series (8 races of which you get the Prague Zoo race for free)

Single race

ZOO Praha (higher entry fee – among other things, it also includes a full-day entry fee to the Prague Zoo)

Basic entry deadline until January 12, 2025 (or until the entry limit is reached) 

Last entry deadline until January 15, 2025 (or until the entry limit is reached)

Other races – Basic entry deadline

Žacléř until March 26, 2025, Moravský kras until June 29, 2025 (or until the entry limit is reached) and Krušné hory until October 12, 2025.

Other races – The last entry deadline

Žacléř until March 26, 2025, Moravský kras until July 2, 2025 (or until the entry limit is reached) and Krušné hory until October 15, 2025.

Entries on the day (on site)

According to the capacity of the organizer. For the price of the last entry deadline, only for public categories (unless otherwise stated).


We are preparing a number of interesting benefits for participants who sign up for the entire series. Which ones are they?

Cancellation Policy

Refund of fees upon entry cancellation:

Prize giving

After each race, all participants will be announced, regardless of the order in the HDR, DH10F, DH10 classes. The top three in the DH12, DH14A, DH14B class and the winners of the other classes.

At the end of the series, the 3 best competitors in the overall ranking of the given class will be announced (7 out of 8 races count).

Club competition

As part of the Czech O-Tour, we are again announcing a year-round club competition. The 12 best results achieved by members of one club across the classes from 8 races are counted. The points earned by children, youth, seniors, younger and older masters are important for the overall placement.

At the end of the series, the top 8 clubs in the overall rating of the club competition will be awarded.


Electronic punching

The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used, and all versions of SI card are accepted. Contactless punching will be enabled for use with SIAC cards. Only standard SI-cards will be available for hire when entering (fee 50 CZK/race). If lost, compensation 900 CZK will be required.

Organizing body

Czech Orienteering Federation (Český svaz orientačních sportů, Zátopkova 100/2, 169 00 Praha 6 – Břevnov)


On the website or via the mail


Will be provided for the necessary time.

Protection of personal data and photography

The organizer, as a personal data administrator, is entitled to process the personal data of the registered participant for the performance of his/her duties as the organizer of the race, for the purpose of fulfilling the contract that occurs between the organizer and the participant of the race by accepting the entry. For the purpose of fulfilling its obligations, the organizer will publish the participant’s personal data in the valid ČSOS format in the form of an entry, start list and results in the ORIS information system ( and on the event website (

Photography: During the event, news photographs will be taken to inform the public about the race, billing subsidies for the event, etc. in accordance with Section 89 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. In addition, photos can be taken for the personal use of the competitors (as a memory of the races, promoting the club etc.) especially from the prize giving and the finish. In case you do not agree with the photo shooting, please explicitly notify the photographer.

Please note

Everyone participates in the race at their own risk.

We ask participants to behave in a respectful manner towards the environment. Sort the waste into prepared containers.

Information about individual races