WOC Tour capacity is full for now. What is next?
Within one day we recieved 1500 entries to WOC Tour 2021 and current capacity has been filled. That is something what make us even more motivated into our long term work. For all who are already in and also for interested ones there are news bellow:
1) For those ones who did not manage the entry on time there will a second chance from November 12th (8 p.m.).
2) We would like to appologize for complications in ORIS system. Wrong information about the price and entries to individual stages could be shown. Currently everything works fine. But if there is any problem or uncertainity please contact us via email tour@woc2021.cz
3) Only entries for whole program (6 stages) are accepted and entry is valid when paid.
We are looking forward to seeing you betwen 4th and 9th July in Doksy region.