Hidden gems #17

7. 6. 2021

XVII.  For the delicacies of the Bohemian Paradise

Firstly, it is necessary to mention that in Lomnice nad Popelkou one could spend even a day, there is so much to see – the castle, historic centre, or famous monument area Karlov! In case you have never tasted lomnické suchary, the traditional speciality, we recommend you to buy some. We jump on our feet heading to the tower called Tábor or Tichánkova rozhledna. Enjoy the view from above, if you are lucky, you may see the Bohemian paradise or even Prague, the capital city. Furthermore, our track continues through Žďár u Kumburku to the point called Na Klepandě from there it is possible to see Bradlec, the stone formation. Besides, there is another interesting point to see, the ruins of a castle called Kumburk that offers great views of Ještěd, or Krkonoše mountains. Following the route, we are approaching Nová Paka, the city popular for the gems and good beer. After a brief visit to local restaurants or pubs, we reach the train station and get back home. Have a great trip! 


Map with the route here